Carlo VANCHIERI - Sfincionello

Artist The prices of Carlo VANCHIERI / All the artworks on the Marketplace
Type of Artwork Original artwork
Title Sfincionello
Year 2018
Category Painting
Medium Oil/canvas
Signature verso
Size of the artwork
15.75 x 11.81 in
40 x 30 x 1.5 cm
Certificate issued by carlo vanchieri
Bill/Invoice No
Condition good condition

Orange spots spread all over an azure background: just the more intense ones are acrylics while the whole of the others are oil-painted. " Sfincionello " is the typical palermitan kind of pizza where the prevailing topping's a very oily sauce made of onions and and tomatoes slices. This tiny work of mine basically represents a conceptual olfactory memory full of bright tones, typical of Flemish Sicily's period.

Lot # 2778080
Seller status Private seller
Country ITALY (Bagheria)
Cost Shipping and delivery to be paid for by the buyer
Shipping cost 20
Insurance No
Number of parcels 1
Weight 2.0 Kg
Starting bid
1,400 €
1,400 € (1,519 $)
1,400 € (1,193 £)
1,400 € (10,987 ¥)
Auction starts on 16 Jun 2024 20:00